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Below you will find Banner-Textads Pro members testimonials.

If you are a Pro member, contact me to submit a testimonial.

Showing My Ads on a Growing Network of Websites

I have been a member of Banner-Textads since the launch. It's a great resource for getting my ads running on Neil Bennett's growing network of websites. It isn't your regular ad exchange since you don't need to display any banners or text ads yourself. Instead, you earn credits by surfing in the traffic exchange section that shows sites promoted by members of MyHits2U, another site from Neil that is a pure traffic exchange. In turn, your banners and text ads will show on MyHits2U and all other sites in the network. There is a great synergy here, where activities on either site will result in ad exposure on both sites. You could use only one, but the real magic happens when you use them together.

All in all, another highly recommended ad site from Neil Bennett!
Great Idea!

The concept of adding banners, of all sizes, and text ads on one site and then getting them shown on all the sites in the admin Neil's system and on other sites too through the Mega rotator is an exceptional and easy way of getting traffic to them, rather than adding them on each single site. Excellent!
Yet Another Gem!

Yet another gem from Neil!, Banners and Text Ads which appear along with the members' sites on the Mega Rotator from MyHits2U or alone on a single page on the Pro Members' Showcase page. Brilliant and unique idea to get our promotions seen just about everywhere! Nothing like this site anywhere else so another MUST!